Narative teks

Narative teks


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The Prince Zasafie And Her Love

Once upon a time, there was Prince named Prince Zasafie, he lived in the kingdom inside of flores. He also liked to hunt some animals in the that flores, he was handsome too, but he hadn’t married.
One day, he went to the flores for hunting. After long time, he hadn’t got an animal too. Because the day was dark, he didn’t come back to palace. Fortunately, ther was a girl helped him. The Girl named Nikie, she took a way him to her house. She had lived alone long and hadn’t married, she was very beautiful .
Meanwhile, Prince Zasafie was happy because there was a girl helped him. There, he was given delicious food and then he fell in love with her, and he wanted to marry her, then Nikie agreed with him.
Finally, after morning came, Prince Zasafie came back to the palace, and didn’t forget he also took a way Nikie to the palace. Few days later, they married and started to their new life.
And, they lived happily.


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